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Historic tale: "Papertape, Punch cards and Virtual Network"

Pretty early, the TNO Physics and Electronic laboratory (and its predecessors) made use of computers. This virtual department of Museum Waalsdorp tries to keep the recollection of old systems and their use. Based upon descriptions, anecdotal stories, recollections and photographs an impression will be given on the developments of TNO-FELs internal and external computer and network services.

Most photographs on subsequent TNO-FEL pages can be enlarged by clicking them. Unfortunately, a major part of the descriptions and anecdotal stories are (currently) only in Dutch. Feel free to visit them as you might find there surprising photo's from the recent, but nevertheless "old" computer history.

TNO-FEL's computer history index in Dutch  Onze computer historie in het Nederlands

The following chapters and information in this section are only available in Dutch.

Tables and other information

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